
Βουλευτικές εκλογές

6–9 Ιούνιος 2024


9 Ιουνίου 2024

For French and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You must vote in a specific polling station. The address is indicated on your voter registration card. You can also find your polling station on this website Check your electoral status (in French).

In order to vote, you need to be registered on the electoral roll of your municipality or commune. This can be: the municipality in which you hold permanent residence or have been living in for at least 6 months; the municipality where you have been paying local taxes for at least 2 years ; the municipality where your company (as manager, or majority or sole shareholder) has been registered for at least 2 years; for civil servants, your residence of mandatory assignment.

For more information, check out: Registering on the electoral roll of the website of the Ministry of Interior (in French).

If you have changed your home address recently, you will need to register with the town hall of your new municipality. If you are voting for the first time and have not been contacted by your local authority, you should also register.

For more information, you may check the following web pages:

What documents should I bring? Voter registration card and your original ID.

Accessibility Information: Voting should be accessible for everyone, regardless of disability. Polling stations and voting procedures must accommodate individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair users, ensuring easy access to the booth and ballot box. The president of the polling station is responsible for facilitating these accommodations, including allowing you to be accompanied and assisted by a chosen voter if needed. If you're unable to go to the polling station, you can request a proxy vote, with authorities facilitating the process by sending a police officer to your home to issue the proxy. Additionally, candidates' manifestos is available in an easy-to-read and understandable format.

For more information, check out this page : Voting for people with disabilities (in French).