Wahlen zum Parlament
6–9 Juni 2024
9 Juni 2024
Where do I vote? You can vote from abroad by post or at the Swedish embassies and consulates. You must apply to the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) every ten years to be included on the electoral roll from abroad, please find here the link to the form for registering to the electoral roll (available in Swedish).
In order to vote by post, you need material that you order from the Election Authority, a local authority or a Swedish embassy or a Swedish consulate. Postal votes have to be sent from abroad. You can vote by post as early as 45 days before election day. Postal votes must be sent from abroad and must arrive in time for the counting of the votes.
For further information on voting from abroad, please consult the website of the Swedish election authority (in Swedish, English and 10 more).
What documents should I bring? Your ID document.
For further information, please consult the website of the Swedish election authority (in Swedish, English and 10 more).