
Elezioni parlamentari

6–9 giugno 2024


9 giugno 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Lithuanian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You're typically assigned a polling station based on your home address. However, on election day, you can also vote in any polling station across the country, as it's one constituency.

Advance voting is possible in any Lithuanian municipality on the last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before election day, or at home (last Friday, Saturday), or in special facilities like hospitals (last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). No advance registration is needed; it's done automatically by authorities. However, if you have changed your home address recently, we advise you to check with the website of the national election authority (in Lithuanian) whether your registration on the voting lists is correct.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Lithuanian EU elections: If you are an EU citizen, you have to be register for the elections by 10 April 2024 at the very latest. More detailed information is provided on the website of the Central Electoral Commission.

What documents should I bring? ID card, passport, driver's license or other document issued by a state institution or an institution authorised by it.

For Lithuanian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You're typically assigned a polling station based on your home address. However, on election day, you can also vote in any polling station across the country, as it's one constituency.

Advance voting is possible in any Lithuanian municipality on the last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before election day, or at home (last Friday, Saturday), or in special facilities like hospitals (last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). No advance registration is needed; it's done automatically by authorities. However, if you have changed your home address recently, we advise you to check with the website of the national election authority (in Lithuanian) whether your registration on the voting lists is correct.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Lithuanian EU elections: If you are an EU citizen, you have to be register for the elections by 10 April 2024 at the very latest. More detailed information is provided on the website of the Central Electoral Commission.

What documents should I bring? ID card, passport, driver's license or other document issued by a state institution or an institution authorised by it.

Accessibility Information:

For individuals with mobility impairments or disabilities:

  • You can vote in advance at accessible municipal buildings.
  • If are in care homes or hospitals on election day, you can vote there.
  • You can also vote at home on the last Friday and Saturday before the elections by notifying the polling station in advance. You can also vote at polling stations on election day, with up to 90% being accessible to them.

For individuals with hearing disabilities:

  • They can receive Skype consultations.

For individuals with visual impairments or blindness:

  • They can vote using the Braille folder

Where do I vote? You can vote from another EU country in Lithuanian diplomatic missions or consulates, in person or by post. Lithuanian voters who live abroad or who will be abroad on election day should register in advance on Voter's website. For postal voting, different registration deadlines apply for different countries of residence. Voters should send their postal vote to the diplomatic mission or consular by post until election day (9 June 2024) at the latest. These votes should then be delivered to an embassy or consular office within the following five days. For more information please visit the Voting from abroad page of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry website (in Lithuanian).

What documents should I bring? ID card, passport, driver's license or other document issued by a state institution or an institution authorised by it.