
Eleições parlamentares

6–9 junho 2024


9 junho 2024

For Slovak and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? In Slovakia, you must vote at a specific polling station based on your permanent address, which is registered automatically by authorities. If you can't vote at your registered polling station, you can request a polling card from the municipal office. This card allows you to vote in any polling district in Slovakia. Apply for the voting card no later than one working day before the election day during the office hours of the relevant local authority. The municipality of your permanent residence in Slovakia will notify you of the date and time of elections, the number of your polling district and the address of the polling station, together with the information about the voting procedure itself. A citizen of the Slovak Republic who does not have a permanent residence in Slovakia nor in the territory of another Member State of the European Union, but is present in Slovakia on the day of the European elections, can cast a vote in any polling station upon presentation of a Slovak passport.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Slovak EU elections:

If you're an EU citizen it is necessary to apply for registration on the electoral roll no later than April 29, 2024. Entry in the list is performed by the respective municipality in which you have permanent residence in Slovakia.

What documents should I bring? A valid ID card or residence card of a European Union citizen. If you have a voting card, bring it along with your ID or residence card.

Accessibility information: Voters with a disability voting in the European elections in Slovakia have the possibility to take with them another person to the voting station in order to assist them. If you cannot come to the polling station, you can request representatives of the electoral commission to come to you with a portable ballot box.