
Toghcháin Pharlaimint

6–9 Méitheamh 2024

an Chipir

9 Méitheamh 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Have you registered for an entry in an electoral roll by April 2nd, 2024?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Cypriot and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? As a Cypriot or European citizen, you vote at a specific polling station based on your residence. You have to register by 2 April, 2024. You can download and fill in the registration form directly from the election service website You can also find the form at the District Administrations, Citizen Service Offices and District Post Offices.

For those up to 25 years of age, applications can also be submitted electronically, via the internet, at this address.

To find out where you are voting, visit the website 15 days before the election date.

For further information call +357 22 867713.

What documents should I bring? Bring your national ID card or the voting card.

Accessibility Information: People with disabilities have an absolute priority when exercising their right to vote. Polling stations officials have therefore been invited to facilitate them with concrete measures. People with a visual impairment or a physical disability may vote by themselves if they wish, with the help of a person they trust or with the help of the Presiding Officer, in the presence of an assistant officer.

For Cypriot and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? As a Cypriot or European citizen, you vote at a specific polling station based on your residence. You have to register by 2 April, 2024. You can download and fill in the registration form directly from the election service website You can also find the form at the District Administrations, Citizen Service Offices and District Post Offices.

For those up to 25 years of age, applications can also be submitted electronically, via the internet, at this address.

To find out where you are voting, visit the website 15 days before the election date.

For further information call +357 22 867713.

What documents should I bring? Bring your national ID card or the voting card.

You must have registered for an electoral roll before the 02 April 2024. Unfortunately, without the registration, you can not vote.

Have you registered for an entry in an electoral roll by April 2nd, 2024?

Where do I vote? Cypriots residing abroad can vote in European elections if they lived in Cyprus for six months before registering to vote and then moved abroad. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus will operate polling centers in Greece, the United Kingdom and Belgium - in embassies or elsewhere - in cities where more than 50 voters request to vote there. Foreign voters are registered in a special electoral roll and can only vote in person on election day. Visit this website for more information about the polling stations 15 days before the election date.

What documents should I bring? You must bring your national ID card or the voting card.

You must have registered for an electoral roll before the 02 April 2024. Unfortunately, without the registration, you can not vote.