
Парламентарни избори

6–9 юни 2024


9 юни 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Finnish and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? On election day you can vote at the polling station stated in the voting register and on the card sent to you before the elections.

Before the elections you can vote at places like municipal offices chosen by local executive. Every municipality has at least one such place. This early voting period for the 2024 elections runs from May 29 to June 4. You don't have to sign up beforehand because the government automatically registers eligible voters.

What documents should I bring? A valid ID (mandatory) and the voting card (recommended).

Accessibility Information: If your ability to move and act is limited to such an extent that

If it's hard for you to go to the voting place, you can vote at home before the election. Just register with your local election board at least a day before early voting starts.

For Finnish and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? On election day you can vote at the polling station stated in the voting register and on the card sent to you before the elections.

Before the elections you can vote at places like municipal offices chosen by local executive. Every municipality has at least one such place. This early voting period for the 2024 elections runs from May 29 to June 4. You don't have to sign up beforehand because the government automatically registers eligible voters.

What documents should I bring? A valid ID (obligatory) and the voting card (recommended).

Where do I vote? You can vote at the Finnish embassy in your country of residence (No need to register beforehand; authorities do it for you). See the list of General Advance Polling Stations in different countries.

You can also vote by post. If you want to vote by post, you should order the documents from Finland at least three months before the election. Make sure your postal vote reaches the central municipal election board by 7:00 PM on the Friday before election day. (Find additional information on postal voting on this page of the website of the Ministry of Justice).

What documents should I bring? A valid ID (obligatory) and the voting card (not obligatory).