
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

or Croatian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You have to vote in the specific polling station designated by your home address.

To find out your nearest polling booth, check out the website of the Ministry of Justice and Administration (in Croatian) after the elections have been officially announced. If you wish to vote at another polling station in Croatia or abroad, special registration is required.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Croatia EU elections: As an EU citizen living in Croatia, you need to register no later than 30 days before the date of the elections. The form for registration is available on the website of the Croatian national authorities. If voters have an e-identity card, they will be automatically registered. If voters fail to register, they can be issued a voting certificate on election day at the embassy or consulate where the polling station is set.

What documents should I bring?

Your identity card or your passport, and exceptionally your driving licence or other public document with a photograph on the basis of which your identity can be established.

Accessibility Information: A voter with a disability can come to the polling station accompanied by another person who is literate and who can select the candidate the voter is voting for.

If voters are unable to access the polling station, they have to notify the Elections Committee. The president of the Elections Committee appoints at least two members of the Committee or deputies who will visit voters where they live and enable voting.

Detailed instructions can be found on this website (in Croatian).

For more information about all of the above, please consult the section e-Citizens - Information and Services of the website of the Government of Croatia, the website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration or at the website of the State Electoral Commmission of the Republic of Croatia.

For Croatian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? 

You have to vote in the specific polling station designated by your home address.

To find out your nearest polling booth, check out the website of the Ministry of Justice and Administration (in Croatian) after the elections have been officially announced. If you wish to vote at another polling station in Croatia or abroad, special registration is required.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Croatia EU elections: As an EU citizen living in Croatia, you need to register no later than 30 days before the date of the elections. The form for registration is available on the website of the Croatian national authorities. If voters have an e-identity card, they will be automatically registered. If voters fail to register, they can be issued a voting certificate on election day at the embassy or consulate where the polling station is set.

What documents should I bring? 

Your identity card or your passport, and exceptionally your driving licence or other public document with a photograph on the basis of which your identity can be established.

For more information about all of the above, please consult the section e-Citizens - Information and Services of the website of the Government of Croatia, the website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration or at the website of the State Electoral Commmission of the Republic of Croatia.

Where do I vote? You have the right to vote in person in the European elections at polling stations in Croatian diplomatic-consular offices provided prior registration within the set deadline is made.

The deadline for active registration is 10 days before the elections. The request needs to be submitted to the embassy or consulate where you wishes to vote.

The form for registration is available on the website of the Croatian national authorities. If you have an e-identity card, you will be automatically registered. If you fail to register, you can be issued a voting certificate on election day at the embassy or consulate where the polling station is set.

What documents should I bring?

Your identity card or your passport, and exceptionally your driving licence or other public document with a photograph on the basis of which your identity can be established.

For more information about all of the above, please consult the section e-Citizens - Information and Services of the website of the Government of Croatia, the website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration or at the website of the State Electoral Commmission of the Republic of Croatia.

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