
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


8–9 June 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

Yes, I have a disability or experience any limitations preventing me from reaching a polling station

For Italian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? Those enrolled in the electoral list of any municipality nationwide can vote at their place of hospitalization. This will also be indicated on the electoral card that voters receive before the elections.

What documents should I bring? Voters need to present their electoral card and a specific certificate issued by the mayor upon request.

For Italian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You have to vote at the polling station in which you are registered (you do not need to register in advance as your municipal authorities automatically register you.) which is indicated on your electoral card and corresponds to your place of residence. If you do not yet receive your electoral card and would like to know where is your polling station, you need to contact your electoral municipality. If you are registered at an inaccessible polling station, you can vote in another section with appropriate characteristics. You can use public transport organized by some municipalities.

What documents should I bring? A valid identity document, your electoral card and a medical certificate issued by the ASL.

For Italian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You have to vote at the polling station in which you are registered (you do not need to register in advance as your municipal authorities automatically register you.) which is indicated on your electoral card and corresponds to your place of residence. If you do not yet receive your electoral card and would like to know where is your polling station, you need to contact your electoral municipality. If you are registered at an inaccessible polling station, you can vote in another section with appropriate characteristics. Physically impaired voters may exercise their right to vote with the assistance of another voter from their family or a different accompanying person who may be registered on the electoral roll of any Italian municipality.

What documents should I bring? Health documentation issued by ASL free of charge is needed, or they can obtain a permanent record of the right to assisted voting from their electoral office + A valid identity document and your electoral card.

For Italian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You have to vote at the polling station in which you are registered (you do not need to register in advance as your municipal authorities automatically register you.) which is indicated on your electoral card and corresponds to your place of residence. If you do not yet receive your electoral card and would like to know where is your polling station, you need to contact your electoral municipality. You can access assisted voting with a nominative booklet issued by INPS.

For Italian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You have to vote at the polling station in which you are registered (you do not need to register in advance as your municipal authorities automatically register you.) which is indicated on your electoral card and corresponds to your place of residence. If you do not yet receive your electoral card and would like to know where is your polling station, you need to contact your electoral municipality.

What documents should I bring? A valid identity document and your electoral card.

Are you permanently or temporarily residing in another EU country?

Where do I vote? You are registered automatically to vote in your hometown. You have to vote at the polling station in which you are registered which is indicated on your electoral card.

What documents should I bring? A valid identity document and your electoral card.

Where do I vote? As you have transferred your residence to another EU Member State and are registered with AIRE (the Register of Italians Resident Abroad), you may vote at the polling stations set up abroad by the Italian diplomatic-consular offices of the country in which you live. The Ministry of the Interior will send an electoral certificate to your foreign residence. It will contain information on the polling place and the date and time of voting. If you do not receive any electoral card, you should contact your consulate of reference to verify your electoral status.

What documents should I bring? A valid identity document and your electoral card.

If you are a resident of a non-EU country, you remain registered in the Register of Italians Resident Abroad (AIRE) of your municipality of origin and will only be able to vote by returning to that municipality, upon receipt of a notice informing you of the date and time of the vote. Will you be returning to your municipality in Italy for the elections?

Unfortunately, you can not vote from a non-EU country unless you return to Italy to your municipality of origin where you remain registered in the Register of Italians Resident Abroad (AIRE).

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