
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Are you at least 16 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Is your primary residence registered with the municipality in which you are currently living?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For German and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If your primary residence in Germany is registered at least 42 days before the election, you're automatically on the voters’ register of your municipality of register. Registered voters must receive an election notification from the municipal authority by the 21st day before the election. If not, contact the municipal authority promptly. The location of the polling station is indicated on your notification.

What documents should I bring? Your voter's notification and preferably also an identity card or passport

Accessibility information Accessible polling stations are available; your voter's notification specifies if your polling station is one. If not, you can request a voter's notification for an adapted station or bring an assistant. Blind and visually impaired individuals can use ballot paper templates to vote. Additionally, postal voting is an option, allowing participation without visiting a polling station; instructions are provided on the voter's notification. To vote by post, apply to your main residence municipality for a polling card. Postal ballot documents will come with the polling card. You can apply for a polling card until 18:00 CET on the Friday before election day. In exceptional cases, like sudden illness making it hard to reach the polling station, you can apply until 15:00 CET on the day of the election.

For German and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If your primary residence in Germany is registered at least 42 days before the election, you're automatically on the voters’ register of your municipality of register. Registered voters must receive an election notification from the municipal authority by the 21st day before the election. If not, contact the municipal authority promptly. The location of the polling station is indicated on your notification.

If you decide to vote by post, apply to your main residence municipality for a polling card. Postal ballot documents will come with the polling card. You can apply for a polling card until 18:00 CET on the Friday before election day. In exceptional cases, like sudden illness making it hard to reach the polling station, you can apply until 15:00 CET on the day of the election.

What documents should I bring? Your voter's notification and preferably also an identity card or passport

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For German and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you move to a new address between 42 and 21 days before the election, you need to apply to be added to the voter register there. All registered voters must receive an election notification from the local authority by the 21st day before the election. Otherwise, you'll be voting at the polling station where your primary residence in Germany is registered at least 42 days before the election date. The location of the polling station is indicated on your notification.

What documents should I bring? Your voter's notification and preferably also an identity card or passport

Accessibility information: Accessible polling stations are available; your voter's notification specifies if your polling station is one. If not, you can request a voter's notification for an adapted station or bring an assistant. Blind and visually impaired individuals can use ballot paper templates to vote. Additionally, postal voting is an option, allowing participation without visiting a polling station; instructions are provided on the voter's notification. Additionally, postal voting is an option, allowing participation without visiting a polling station; instructions are provided on the voter's notification. To vote by post, apply to your main residence municipality for a polling card. Postal ballot documents will come with the polling card. You can apply for a polling card until 18:00 CET on the Friday before election day. In exceptional cases, like sudden illness making it hard to reach the polling station, you can apply until 15:00 CET on the day of the election.

For German and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you move to a new address between 42 and 21 days before the election, you need to apply to be added to the voter register there. All registered voters must receive an election notification from the local authority by the 21st day before the election. Otherwise, you'll be voting at the polling station where your primary residence in Germany is registered at least 42 days before the election date. The location of the polling station is indicated on your notification.

If you decide to vote by post, apply to your main residence municipality for a polling card. Postal ballot documents will come with the polling card. You can apply for a polling card until 18:00 CET on the Friday before election day. In exceptional cases, like sudden illness making it hard to reach the polling station, you can apply until 15:00 CET on the day of the election.

What documents should I bring? Your voter's notification and preferably also an identity card or passport

Have you submitted a formal application for entry into the voters’ register?

Where do I vote? If you have registered and are included in the voter's register, once you receive your polling card, you vote by postal ballot. Please note postal ballots must reach the competent authority by 18.00 on the Sunday of the election (9 June 2024).

The Berlin municipal authority (‘Bezirksamt Mitte’) oversees German expatriates who haven't lived in Germany for at least three months. Adult Germans living abroad can vote if they resided in Germany for at least three uninterrupted months, not more than 25 years ago from their 14th birthday, or if they're personally familiar with German politics and affected by it.

You can find more information for Germans living abroad on this page of the website of the Federal Returning Officer.

Where do I vote? If you don't have a registered domicile in Germany, you must formally apply for entry into the voters' register before each election, through the municipality where you were last registered before moving abroad. You need to request inclusion in the voters' register by the 21st day before election day. Upon receiving your polling card, you vote by postal ballot, ensuring it reaches the competent authority by 18:00 on the Sunday of the election (9 June 2024).

The Berlin municipal authority (‘Bezirksamt Mitte’) oversees German expatriates who haven't lived in Germany for at least three months. Adult Germans living abroad can vote if they resided in Germany for at least three uninterrupted months, not more than 25 years ago from their 14th birthday, or if they're personally familiar with German politics and affected by it.

You can find more information for Germans living abroad on this page of the website of the Federal Returning Officer.

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