
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Are you at least 16 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Austrian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? As a voter in Austria, you usually vote in a polling station at your principal place of residence. However, you can also cast your vote by letter or in a different polling station provided you have a ballot. You can apply for it in your municipality.

Voting by postal ballot can take place immediately after receiving the voting card. The sealed voting card must be sent in good time to the electoral authority entitled to receive it, and voters must sign an affidavit that they have filled out the voting card personally, unobserved and uninfluenced. The postal ballot may also be handed in at any Austrian embassy, consulate or honorary consulate, which will forward it free of charge to the electoral authority.

Additional info for EU citizens voting in Austrian EU elections: You have to register to vote once, by 26 March 2024, in the municipality where your principal residence is. Once you are registered, you stay registered as long as you reside in Austria.

You may find all information on the website of the Austrian national authorities (in German).

What documents should I bring? Bring your ID.

Accessibility Information:

You have the possibility to vote by post or request a visit from a mobile electoral commission.

People with physical or sensory disabilities, who cannot be expected to fill in the ballot without outside help, may be assisted by someone of their choice. Blind and visually impaired people can cast their votes using ballot paper templates.

For more information access Voting card, postal vote, visit by the “fliegende Wahlkommission” (special electoral authority). (in German and English)

For Austrian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? As a voter in Austria, you usually vote in a polling station at your principal place of residence. However, you can also cast your vote by letter or in a different polling station provided you have a ballot. You can apply for it in your municipality.

Voting by postal ballot can take place immediately after receiving the voting card. The sealed voting card must be sent in good time to the electoral authority entitled to receive it, and voters must sign an affidavit that they have filled out the voting card personally, unobserved and uninfluenced. The postal ballot may also be handed in at any Austrian embassy, consulate or honorary consulate, which will forward it free of charge to the electoral authority.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Austria EU elections: You have to register to vote once, by 26 March 2024, in the municipality where your principal residence is. Once you are registered, you stay registered as long as you reside in Austria.

You may find all the information on the website of the Austrian national authorities (in German).

What documents should I bring? You should bring your ID.

Where do I vote? In order to take part in a European election, an entry in the European voters' register is required. Austrians with their main residence abroad (Austrians abroad) must submit an application in order to be included in the (European) voter register. Further information on the subject of “Entry into the (European) Voters’ Register”.

The sealed voting card must be sent in good time to the electoral authority entitled to receive it, and voters must sign an affidavit that they have filled out the voting card personally, unobserved and uninfluenced.

The postal ballot may also be handed in at any Austrian embassy, consulate or honorary consulate, which will forward it free of charge to the electoral authority.

What documents should I bring? Voting by postal ballot can take place immediately after receiving the voting card.

You may find all information on the website of the Austrian national authorities (in German).

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