
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


3–9 June 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have an address of residence in Estonia that you have not changed recently or have you recently changed your address?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Estonian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you have a residential address in Estonia, no advance registration is required. You have multiple voting options:

  1. Polling station on election day.
  2. Advance voting: June 3rd to 8th, 2024.
  3. Online voting: from 9:00 on June 3rd to 20:00 on June 8th, 2024.
  4. Voting from home: June 7th to 9th, 2024.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Estonian EU elections:

You have the right to vote in Estonia. If you haven’t voted in the European elections in Estonia before, you have to submit an application to be entered in the list of voters to the controller of the population register.

You will be notified of the need to submit an application at the end of March 2024.

For more information, check out the website of the State Electoral Office.

What documents should I bring? Valid ID when voting at the polling station.

Accessibility Information: As a voter with a disability, you have options:

  1. If you're visually impaired, the e-voting app is adopted to your need.
  2. If you can't go to a polling place due to health or another valid reason, you can apply to vote at home.
  3. Most election sites are wheelchair accessible, and assisted voting is available in nursing homes and hospitals.

For Estonian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you have a residential address in Estonia, no advance registration is required. You have multiple voting options:

  1. Polling station on election day.
  2. Advance voting: June 3rd to 8th, 2024.
  3. Online voting: from 9:00 on June 3rd to 20:00 on June 8th, 2024.
  4. Voting from home: June 7th to 9th, 2024.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Estonia EU elections:

If you haven’t voted in the European elections in Estonia before, you have to submit an application to be entered in the list of voters to the controller of the population register.

You will be notified of the need to submit an application at the end of March 2024.

For more information, check out the website of the State Electoral Office.

What documents should I bring? Valid ID when voting at the polling station.

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Estonian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you have changed your home address recently, we advise you to check with the population register(in Estonian) whether your residential address entered in the population register is correct.

You can find more information about registering residence on the State Portal

Once you check the registration, You have multiple voting options:

  1. Polling station on election day.
  2. Advance voting: June 3rd to 8th, 2024.
  3. Online voting: from 9:00 on June 3rd to 20:00 on June 8th, 2024.
  4. Voting from home: June 7th to 9th, 2024.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Estonian EU elections:

You have the right to vote in Estonia. If you haven’t voted in the European elections in Estonia before, you have to submit an application to be entered in the list of voters to the controller of the population register.

You will be notified of the need to submit an application at the end of March 2024.

For more information, check out the website of the State Electoral Office.

What documents should I bring? Valid ID when voting at the polling station.

Accessibility Information: As a voter with a disability, you have options:

  1. If you're visually impaired, the e-voting app is adopted to your need.
  2. If you can't go to a polling place due to health or another valid reason, you can apply to vote at home.
  3. Most election sites are wheelchair accessible, and assisted voting is available in nursing homes and hospitals.

For Estonian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? If you have changed your home address recently, we advise you to check with the population register(in Estonian) whether your residential address entered in the population register is correct.

You can find more information about registering residence on the State Portal

Once you check the registration, You have multiple voting options:

  1. Polling station on election day.
  2. Advance voting: June 3rd to 8th, 2024.
  3. Online voting: from 9:00 on June 3rd to 20:00 on June 8th, 2024.
  4. Voting from home: June 7th to 9th, 2024.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Estonian EU elections:

You have the right to vote in Estonia. If you haven’t voted in the European elections in Estonia before, you have to submit an application to be entered in the list of voters to the controller of the population register.

You will be notified of the need to submit an application at the end of March 2024.

For more information, check out the website of the State Electoral Office.

What documents should I bring? Valid ID when voting at the polling station.

Where do I vote? If you're are an Estonian citizen living abroad, no advance registration is necessary; authorities handle it automatically. You have three voting options: online, in person at an embassy/consulate, or by post. To vote by post, submit an application to the Estonian foreign mission by May 10, 2024, at the latest.

For more information, check out this page of the website of the State Electoral Office.

What documents should I bring? Valid ID when voting at the polling station.

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