
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Portuguese and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You can find out your polling station:

  • by consulting the public notices on the distribution of polling stations
  • at your local parish office, open on election day
  • by sending a text message (SMS) to the number 3838 with: RE[space]ID number/citizen's card[space]Date of birth(YYYYMMDD)
  • by consulting the website of the Portuguese Ministry of Interior (in Portuguese)
  • Voter registration is unofficial and automatic for all citizens over the age of 17, whether they live in Portugal or abroad, as long as they hold a Citizen's Card.
  • What documents should I bring? identification document (citizen card or identity card) or any other official document with an updated picture (passport or driving license).

Is it accessible?

For voters with mobility issues or physical disabilities:

  • Voters affected by serious illnesses or physical disabilities can vote with the help of another voter they choose, ensuring the secrecy and accuracy of their vote.
  • If a voter with a disability can't physically access the polling station (e.g., in a wheelchair or on a stretcher), they must be allowed to vote alone in a designated spot within the polling station's view.

For visually impaired and partially sighted voters:

  • Visually impaired and partially sighted voters in Portugal's European elections can vote independently with the support of a braille matrix and an explanatory sheet with enlarged letters provided by the polling station.

For Portuguese and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote? You can find out your polling station:

  • by consulting the public notices on the distribution of polling stations
  • at your local parish office, open on election day
  • by sending a text message (SMS) to the number 3838 with: RE[space]ID number/citizen's card[space]Date of birth(YYYYMMDD)
  • by consulting the website of the Portuguese Ministry of Interior (in Portuguese)
  • Voter registration in Portugal is automatic for citizens over 17 with a Citizen's Card, both in Portugal and abroad.
  • What documents should I bring? identification document (citizen card or identity card) or any other official document with an updated picture (passport or driving license).

Where do I vote? Citizens living abroad and registered at consular posts can vote in person on election days at voting sections in consular missions. If you have a citizen card, you are automatically registered in the census. (See more detailed information on voting from abroad here).

Certain categories of individuals temporarily abroad, such as civil servants, business travelers, students, researchers, professors, patients, and accompanying persons, can vote in advance at embassies or consulates established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (See more detailed information on voting procedure for these categories here).

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