
Parliament elections

6–9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Are you at least 18 on the day of elections?

You can't vote: Thank you for your interest in getting involved! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next elections. In the meantime, keep being an active citizen!

On the day of the election, which country do you want to vote from?

Do you have a disability or experience any limitations preventing you from reaching a polling station?

For Hungarian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote?

You can vote in person at the polling station based on your residence. The location of your polling station is in the letter of advice. If you want to vote at another polling station, you have to submit a request. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in the Hungarian embassies or consulates or in any local election office in Hungary, or by post or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian). You have to register by the 25th day before the day of the election.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Hungarian EU elections: You have to register on the electoral roll. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in any local election office or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian). You have to register until 24/05/2024 16:00.

What documents should I bring? Bring your identification document (valid ID card, passport or driving licence) and your residence card.

Accessibility Information: You may request the following assistance to exercise your voting rights:

  • Notification in Braille transcription sent to your address
  • Simplified information material sent to your address
  • Use of a Braille voting template at the polling station or during mobile voting
  • Use of an accessible polling station
  • Use of a mobile ballot box

Find out more on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian).

For Hungarian and other EU citizens:

Where do I vote?

You can vote in person at the polling station based on your residence. The location of your polling station is in the letter of advice. If you want to vote at another polling station, you have to submit a request. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in the Hungarian embassies or consulates or in any local election office in Hungary, or by post or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian). You have to register by the 25th day before the day of the election.

Additional info for EU citizen voting in Hungarian EU elections: You have to register on the electoral roll. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in any local election office or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian). You have to register until 24/05/2024 16:00.

What documents should I bring? You have to bring your identification document (valid ID card, passport or driving licence) and your residence card.

Where do I vote?

If you have a Hungarian address but want to vote from abroad, you have to do so in person at polling stations organized by the Hungarian embassy or consulate of the country where you are. You need to request in advance to be included on the voter's list of the embassy or consulate of the country where you are, by 31/05/2024 16:00. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in the Hungarian embassies or consulates or in any local election office in Hungary, or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian).

If you live in another EU country and have no official address in Hungary, you can not vote for Hungarian lists.

What documents should I bring? Bring your identification document (valid ID card, passport or driving licence) and your residence card.

Where do I vote?

If you live outside the EU and have no official address in Hungary, you can vote by post. You have to register on the electoral roll by 15/05/2024 16:00.

Registration is possible in person or by proxy in the Hungarian embassies or consulates or in any local election office in Hungary, or by post or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian).

If you have a Hungarian address/domicile, but want to vote from abroad, you have to do so in person at polling stations organized by the Hungarian embassy or consulate of the country where you are. You need to request in advance to be included on the voter's list of the embassy or consulate of the country where you are, by 31/05/2024 16:00. Registration is possible in person or by proxy in the Hungarian embassies or consulates or in any local election office in Hungary, or online on the website of the National Election Office (in Hungarian).

What should I bring? Your identification document (valid ID card, passport or driving licence) and your residence card.

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